

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bunch of crazy kids!

My daughter Abby is in the Civitan Club this year. As I was waiting for her I went to pick up the rest of the crew! When I was in line to pick Ashton up, I took a pic of Austin and his bud being goofy as usual! So here are the two clowns saying cheese! It was a very interesting day!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

GO HOGS!!!!!



This past weekend Scott and I drove up to Fayetteville to watch the Razorbacks play!  It was a great game and we had a blast!  It was our 1st time watching them play at their home field.  We had AWESOME seats that were in the nose bleed section!  We were at the very top of the bleachers  and the wind was blowing pretty hard!  I'm already afraid of  heights so that made it alot worse!!! Other than that we had a great night together!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ashton's 1st football game!

Tonight was Ashton's 1st football game. He is on a team called Titans! Its so cute watching that age try and capture the flag. They are all running around with serious looks on their faces and the funny part is they dont even no where to run!  Ashton  caught the football and as the other kids were chasing him, they caught his flag along with his shorts! It was so funny! He still kept on running while holding up his shorts. HaHa 

Monday, September 12, 2011

First day of school !!!

Hey Everyone,  I just wanted to share some back 2 school pics.  I know that Im a little behind, but its better late than never. So here are my kiddos!  Austin's in 8th gr., Abby's in 6th gr., and my little man is in 2nd gr. I cant believe how time flys by so fast.  Austin really enjoys Jr. High and he is taking Spanish this year.  Abby started Middle School and she is playing the Clarinet.  She does very good, even when she hits the really really high squeaky notes! As for Ashton,  its only him now in Elementary. Its sad I know! I love to go eat lunch with him and go on school trips with his class.  His favorite thing is reading.  Out of all of them, he's the reader! Go figure!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My sweet brother

For my family and I 9/11 is a day that brings painful memories. I lost my younger brother, Drew Alan Renfro, in a terrible car accident. He was 19 and his was just about to start his journey in life. There are things in this life that does'nt make sense and we ask why, but I know now that God has his plans for everyone. Through the years it has been very hard for our family, but I believe that it somehow made us closer. It has now been 7 yrs and it seems like it was just yesterday. We were a very close family. I realize that God gives us special people in our families so that we can share memories, help each other and show love to each other no matter what. I am very thankful for having an amazing family and wonderful memories.

Drew Alan Renfro
 7/25/85 - 9/11/04

Remembering 9/11

This day brings so many people painful memories. So many innocent people lost their lives because of the hatred that the terrorist had toward America and our beliefs. I am so thankful to our troops for giving their lives for Americas freedom. Our country is blessed by God and I pray that we will continue to be one nation under God!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fun weekend coming up!!!

Looking forward to moving Scotts grandad to Jonesboro this weekend! He will be moving in with his daughter and getting the help he needs. Here comes the fun part, he is not willing to move from his house that he has lived in for 30+ years and he's a stubborn Italian man! I just hope he's not to mad. So there you go, my family has an exciting weekend ahead!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

She Finally Did It!!!

All I can say is wow! After 12 beautiful years of marriage, my wife has finally decided to join the technological revolution and create her very first blog. Let me briefly introduce myself, my name is Scott Blankenship. I am extremely blessed to have Haley as my wife and mother to our beautiful three children (Austin, Abby, Ashton). God has been good to us and has blessed our family tremendously with a great church family and friends. Our family has enjoyed many trips over the years and we look forward to many more to come. I believe that there is a large world that God has blessed us with just waiting for us to see and experience. Sometimes it's nice to step away from the busyness that we deal with each day and step into serenity where we can spend quality time with God. A very favorite author of mine, John Eldredge wrote a book call Wild at Heart. I highly recommend reading it. Thanks for hanging at the Blankenship blog and take care!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First time for everything!

Hi everyone, I decided to start a blog about our family! We have alot of friends and family that we would like to stay in touch with and share our family pictures and life stories! My husband made this beautiful blog for me and I can't wait to start posting!:)